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Reflect and Refresh

Reflect & Refresh, formed on August 2015, is an online publication that incorporates the Six Dimensions of Wellness to educate, inspire, encourage, and speak truth to our readers. We use the Six Dimensions of Wellness created by The National Wellness Institute (NWI) as our main approach regarding health and wellness.

Graduate School: Is It the Right Next Step for You?

Oct 2020

Applying for graduate school takes a lot of work and programs are often very selective. Many struggle to determine whether that process is a good investment of time, rather than jumping right into the job market. Here are some signs that graduate school might be the necessary next step in your career journey.

The Truth on Rushing Through Life and How to Stop

Sep 2020

Despite struggling both academically and emotionally in high school, I entered college right after graduation.

3 Benefits of Online Therapy Programs

July 2020

Covid-19 separated many from their professional support system and has made it difficult time to find a therapist, for those seeking help for the first time. Fortunately, there are online therapy programs available and it is an especially timely moment to try one.

The Dangers of Romanticizing Mental Illness

July 2020

The media, specifically television and film, often present a very romanticized version of mental illness. This can lead to self-diagnosing, misconceptions about symptoms of mental illness and ineffective treatments for mental illness.

3 Ways Introverts and Extroverts Can Complement Each Other

Jun 2020

Most people think of introverts as those who either isolate themselves or who when with friends, simply count down the minutes until they can escape to their own homes. On the flip side, people see extroverts as an uber-confident social butterfly who is satisfied and nourished by social interaction. The reality is more complex than these stereotypes but even at their most basic level, these personality types can complement each other in many ways.

How to Cope with Intrusive Thoughts

Jun 2020

If you’ve ever been at a great height and had the sudden inexplicable urge to jump off you’re not alone. Actually most people experience some degree of intrusive thoughts in their lives. Intrusive thoughts are unwanted thoughts or images that pop into your head without reason. The reasons that we experience intrusive thoughts are complex and there are a number of ways to cope with them.


3 Ways to Celebrate Graduation While Social Distancing


4 Underrated Ways to Practice Self-Care

May 2020

Graduating is an accomplishment that takes great dedication and planning and the graduation ceremony is often a validating experience for both yourself and your loved ones. With virtually every large event being cancelled across the country, this experience has been taken away. But that doesn’t mean that you still can’t celebrate in a meaningful way.

May 2020

Self-care is a term that’s been so heavily commodified that it’s become near impossible to get to the heart of its meaning. While indulging yourself can be relaxing, taking a bubble bath and putting on a sheet mask once every two weeks does little to remedy emotional and physical fatigue. Self-care can include anything from exercising regularly to setting up personal boundaries.


How to Have an Inner Glow Up

Mar 2020

In the last couple years, the idea of a glow up has been trending on social media. Most glow up tutorials focus on ways to improve the outer appearance. If the term glow up means to transform oneself in a significant way, then there’s a whole lot of work that must be done on the inside to achieve it.

Reflect and Refresh

Reflect & Refresh, formed on August 2015, is an online publication that incorporates the Six Dimensions of Wellness to educate, inspire, encourage, and speak truth to our readers.

Our Mission. We use the Six Dimensions of Wellness created by The National Wellness Institute (NWI) as our main approach regarding health and wellness.


How to Get Better at Small Talk


How to Feel Your Feelings

Feb 2020

Many believe that small talk is a meaningless form of conversation simply designed to fill awkward silences, but this is far from the truth. When you open a conversation with the weather, sports, or your favorite movies, you lay the foundation for deeper interactions and friendships in the future.

Feb 2020

It is essential not to dismiss your emotions before you’ve had time to give them any deep consideration. Ignoring negative emotions doesn’t eradicate them but instead leads to them reemerging later.


How to Practice Mindful Eating

Feb 2020

Distracted eating is the intentional consumption of food while engaged in a secondary activity, so much so that the meal is diminished or forgotten entirely. It can lead to unintentional weight gain, as well as dissatisfaction with your meal shortly after it’s finished. Mindful eating is an approach that encourages absolute engagement in the formulation and consumption of your food.

©2023 by Ariel Yisrael. Proudly created with

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